Painshill Park: The Pioneering Restoration

Painshill Park: The Pioneering Restoration


NAJ 67/68 (2010). A5 book, 128 pp., 72 illustrations

The proceedings of the 2010 conference at Painshill Park that commemorated the origins and late-20C restoration of the quintessential landscape garden created by Charles Hamilton between 1738 and 1773. Painshill had become derelict by the 1970s. It was saved by a campaign that proved to be crucial to the evolution of heritage culture, and the subsequent restoration has been both exemplary and sustainable.

For full details, see Description below



  • ~ Catherine AldredChris Broughton (plus Cover), Andrew Naylor


  • Michael Gove. Preface.
  • Patrick Eyres. Introduction.
  • Mavis Batey. Paradise Regained: The Garden History Society’s Campaign to Save Painshill.
  • Michael Symes. Georgian Painshill and its Surrey contemporaries.
  • Kate Feluś. Charles Hamilton’s Buildings: Speculation on the Social Use of Painshill Park.
  • Mike Calnan. The National Trust: Practical Approaches to Restoring Eighteenth-Century Landscape Gardens.
  • Janie Burford. From Dereliction to Reconstruction.
  • Mark Laird. The Planting Restoration at Painshill.
  • Mark Ebdon. Landform, Vistas and Trees.
  • Kath Clark. Managing ‘A Moment in Time’ at Painshill.
  • Mark Laird. The Future of Garden Restoration: Re-Planting Recalibrated.
  • John Phibbs. On Architecture.
  • Karen Bridgman. When a list is not enough: Some thoughts on identifying, sourcing and using ornamental annual plants in historic garden restoration.
  • Brent Elliott. The Climate of the Landscape Garden.